Neurosurgery Stops Kyle's Seizures from Epilepsy
June 03, 2021

Kyle’s epilepsy was not responding to medication.
“It was scary. He kept on getting more and more seizures,” said his mom, Anna.
When he and his family came to Joe DiMaggio Children’s Hospital for help, doctors discovered abnormal tissue on Kyle’s brain. After careful monitoring and evaluation, the care team determined that Kyle was a good candidate for neurosurgery.
“We were able to remove that abnormal tissue and find where his seizures were coming from around that area,” said Syndi Seinfeld, DO, Medical Director, Epilepsy at Joe DiMaggio Children’s Hospital.
His recovery was remarkable, with no complications.
“Now, almost a year out from that surgery, he has not had seizures and we’re starting to decrease his medicines,” said Daxa Patel, MD, Medical Director, Surgical Epilepsy.
Kyle wanted to be like other kids and do the things kids enjoy. Today, he can. “He’s doing fabulous,” his mom said.

Kyle’s Epilepsy Neurosurgery Story