Your Trip to Our Clinics and Doctors Offices
June 22, 2020
Take a pretend journey through our doctors' offices and clinics so your child can learn about our new safety measures and what to expect during their visit.
Welcome, we are so glad you are here. I want to tell you a little bit about your appointment today.
Stop and Say Hello
When you arrive, you will be greeted by a staff member wearing a mask. They will help you complete your first step of your visit. It might be hard to see, but they are smiling at you from under their masks.
Time to Put on a Mask
Everyone who comes to visit will wear masks too. This mask will help protect you during your visit here. Be sure to keep it on the whole time!
Temperature Check
A staff member will check both your and your family member’s temperature. But don’t worry, it will not touch you or hurt you.
Please Keep Your Distance
During your visit you will notice that there is lots of space between each seat. This helps us not to spread our germs to one another.
This is how Lotsy Dotsy, our resident clown, measures her distance from others.
Always Remember to Wash Your Hands
See You Later!
Thanks for visiting us, and have an awesome day!